Feedback Bots Update: New Name - New Features June 29 update preview
We turned feedback bots into a full-fledged business tool and gave them a new name -

The update will be useful for entrepreneurs, channel owners, freelancers and professionals. Please see the list of new products.
Full list of new products and changes
Checking your channel subscription
Allows you to close sections of the bot for those who have not subscribed to your channel. Run contests and bring people to your channels!

New section "Menu"
The long-awaited multilevel menu (buttons within buttons). It works like this: you create a menu that you can then attach to any message. Applies to both mailings and all sections. Instructions for setting up the Menu.

Uploading data - list of users
In the new section "Data" you can download a list of your users, with links and phone numbers (if they have shared this information).

Transferring rights and adding admins
Now you can easily transfer the rights to your bot or share the control with your colleagues. This feature is useful for businesses with employees, as well as freelancers and bot customizers.

New section "Links" (deep links)
Create links with a parameter that lead to specific sections in the bot - a button, command, or auto-reply. If it is worth checking the subscription to the buttons, then the user will not receive a response until he subscribes in the same way as with a normal click on the button. With the help of the feature, you can make an analogue of the Hidden Continuation.

New section "Commands"
Now you can change and create commands directly inside the bot, and not through the botphaser. Commands are messages, like /help. You can see the list of commands by typing a slash "/" in the message typing window.

New types of incoming and outgoing messages

Geolocation, contact, survey, place: they can be sent manually or added to any button, command or auto-reply.

User permissions
Added the ability to prohibit and allow users to send and edit any types of messages. You can generally prevent users from writing messages to the bot.

New types of mailings
Mailing by UTM tags, as well as by those who just launched the bot, but did not perform any further actions, did not press buttons, did not write messages.

Repeat mailing for the selected audience
The last 3 mailings to the selected audience are shown, you can quickly select a ready-made message and send it to the selected audience.

Quick replies
Quick non-automatic responses to users (keyboard with buttons). Allows you to create a keyboard that will be attached to each incoming message. You can reply to the user with one click on the button.

Quick Actions
The buttons under the messages of users allow you to instantly get information about the user or block him - the Block button and the Information button.

Notifications about your users' actions
The ability to turn on notifications about an automatic reply, pressing a button or a command. Disabled by default.

New Variables
Variables are certain constructs that automatically translate into the information you need. For example,% name% becomes the user's name. We've added 16 new variables: exchange rates, dates and times. The complete list of variables is here:

Updated / info section
There is more information about users - now there is a number, a user's mail and it is immediately checked whether he blocked the bot or not. In addition, information about a person can be obtained not only with the / info command, but also using the Quick
Action button.

New kinds of buttons
We have expanded the list and types of buttons that you can insert into your menus: an inline button that replaces a message, an inline button that sends a new message, a product button, a survey button, a geo request button, a contact request button.

New command / note
Create a note about the user, which will be shown in the information about him, or directly under each message. It is useful to quickly remember what the user is interested in or what his main request is.

Updated section Statistics
Allocated statistics for buttons separately and statistics for each menu.

New prices and tariffs
The free plan has remained and has become even more powerful. Flip is still the most powerful free feedback bot. And for those who need advanced business functions, we have added new tariffs. You can read it here:

11 more new features and fixes:
When a user sends a contact / mail or just a phone number, these contacts are automatically assigned to him and become available by the / info command and by unloading the database.

New types of Send Contact / Location buttons can be added to the text keyboard. By clicking on them, the original number or location of the person is immediately sent. The number is written to the base.

Reception of albums is available anywhere.
Optimized messaging. Now the mailing list is sent only to those who have NOT blocked the bot.

Checking blocked without mailing and displaying blocked in Statistics.

Added reset / delete counter of utm-tags in the bot. This is useful if you have to test a lot of creatives and make the analysis easier.

We solved the problem with editing the message by the admin.

Ability to remove the response to the first call (command / empty).

Deleting an accidentally sent message using the / del command.

Ability to attach an empty keyboard to the message (delete the previous one). The user pressed / start - got a keyboard, you can attach a keyboard to any button that deletes all the keyboard and by clicking on it all the keyboard will disappear.

Fixed a number of rare bugs.

New rates and prices: setup instructions: